Sport should be a safe and fair place for all participants. At Bobsleigh Skeleton Australia we offer a safe place for people to raise concerns about behaviour they have witnessed or experienced in sport as well as find more information if they have an integrity question.
STAYING SAFE - If you are in immediate danger or at risk of harm, call your local law enforcement agency or dial triple zero.
Threats to BSA integrity can include doping, improper use of drugs and medicine, competition manipulation and behaviours that impact people's positive experience of Athletics, such as discrimination or abuse, including against children.
Integrity in sport means that participants, officials, athletes and supporters can participate in and enjoy sport, confident in the knowledge that they are part of a safe, fair, and inclusive environment.
All our members and participants have an obligation to protect and maintain the integrity of sport, as well as the health and wellbeing of our athletes. We work closely with Sport Integrity Australia (SIA), the federal agency established to prevent and deal with integrity threats in sport.
For more information on their responsibilities, including anti-doping, visit the Sport Integrity Australia website.
You can also find more information on Australian National Anti-Doping Policy (ANADP), click HERE.
Our SIA approved Education Plan can be found HERE.
Everyone from athletes, parents, support personnel, administrators and supporters play a role in protecting the integrity of our sport. BSA works with SIA to coordinate and manage complaints and reports. Complaints received will be evaluated and either managed by BSA, referred to SIA or an appropriate external agency, or passed back to complainant with suggested pathways for them to pursue where the complaint is out of scope.
If you see or hear something that doesn't sound right, say something!
Knowledge of, or concerns regarding integrity-related matters can be reported in several ways:
Issues to report to SIA - Anything that may constitute prohibited conduct under (a) the Child Safeguarding Policy, (b) discrimination, based on a protected characteristic matters under the Member Protection Policy, or (c) doping. A complaint can be submitted by the following methods:
Filling in a complaint or report form on the Sport Integrity Australia website
Phoning 13 000 27232
Completing the ‘report an issue’ form in the Sport Integrity App. This can be anonymous if you choose.
Issues to report to Bobsleigh Skeleton Australia - All other matters including abuse, harassment, bullying, gambling, race fixing or Code of Conduct complaints, can be reported confidentially to the BSA Integrity Manager, Dean Timmings at
High Performance matters relating to harassment (including sexual harassment) or any other form of misconduct in high performance can be raised by contacting our Director of High Performance, Patrick Castelli at
Abusive or inappropriate content online - Can be reported to the eSafety Commisioner for action. eSafety can investigate cyberbullying of children, adult cyber abuse, image abuse (sharing or threatening to share intimate images without consent) and illegal content. Report online harm HERE.
Issues to report to Paralympics Australia (Intentional Misrepresentation) Paralympics Australia is the body that manages national level IM. More information on IM can be found below however you can report via any of Paralympic Australia’s three channels:
· Online Reporting Form (option of anonymity)
· Phone: (02) 9704 0550 or email:
1800 Safe Sport line - The 1800 number (1800 161 361) has been created by SIA for members to share their story about issues they have experienced in sliding sports.
Issues regarding doping - Bobsleigh Skeleton Australia as an National Sporting Organisation adopts the anti-doping rules outlined by the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy. This policy implements the World Anti-Doping Code 2021 and is consistent across all sports in Australia. More information can be found HERE
Bobsleigh & Skeleton Australia is committed to creating and maintaining the highest standards of good governance and a transparent process in policy development. Presented here are Bobsleigh & Skeleton Australia’s policies and guidelines that address these and other related areas that apply to Bobsleigh and Skeleton participants, including our volunteers, contractors, as well as our athletes, coaches and support personnel.